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About Us

Here at Paws Galore we know that a house isn’t a home without happy and healthy four legged friends.

We understand that the pure joy we get from our pets contentment relies on the fine balance between maintaining their physical and emotional well-being.

Our team was established on the foundations of a pet loving family with an anxious rescue dog.

Our soul purpose is to create high quality products to calm, soothe and entertain our most precious companions.

You see, we operate on the principle that to our pets, we are their whole lives and yet they are the ones who make our lives whole. Owning pets has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, improve wellbeing and reduce loneliness and yet these fundamental feelings and experiences can be overlooked in products and services for our own animals.

Although they cannot talk to us, actions and behaviours tell us a lot about our pets inner world and can cause us a great deal of stress and worry. This is why, we have adapted the NHS 5 ways to well-being to meet the needs of our furry friends and created a blueprint for our products based off of these.

Each carefully selected item on our website is specifically aimed at encouraging your pet to build on one of the 5 key areas proven to enhance well-being. So look out for these numbers and how they can support your pet to live a calm and quality life.

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"Smooth sailing at Paws Galore! Checkout was a breeze, a couple of clicks and done! Super impressed with how easy they make it!"- Sally-Brighton

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